|  | Popcorn Poppers
Making great popcorn is easy with the right popcorn popper. The Whirly Pop popcorn popper is the epitome of simplicity that simply works. It uses the same kind of popping system that has long been used in professional popcorn popping machines like the ones in movie theaters, but it makes great popcorn on your stove at home. The Whirly Pop has an aluminum kettle with a stainless steel stirring mechanism that you turn by hand. The stirring mechanism ensures that each kernel gets coated evenly with the cooking oil and it prevents the popped kernels from burning. Vents in the lid allow steam to escape so the popcorn is crispy, not soggy. The hardwood handle stays cool to the touch. Get the Whirly Pop in the original plain metal version or the red version and team it up with various options of Wabash Valley Farms popcorn, so you can pop up a batch the minute you get your Whirly Pop popcorn popper.